Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving Travel

We journeyed to a distant state Wednesday to share Thanksgiving with relatives.  I put my camera in my handbag to document the crowds on what is supposed to be the busiest travel day of the year.

But things were not as I expected.  Here is what we found at the always-dreaded, usually long and snaking TSA line.

Since the scarcity of passengers seemed like a man-bites-dog event, I took a picture anyway.  This did not endear me to the crack team of TSA enforcers.  Two of them confronted me immediately, demanding to know why I was violating protocol.  I explained that I was taking a pictures of friends, pointing to a couple people who were visible at the far end of the line.  The TSA security agents dismissed me with suspicious grunts.

It is possible that my earlier offense had raised the hackles of the ever-vigilant TSA.  After my carry-on passed through the scanner, it was adjudged to require a more careful look.  I was ordered to stand by as its contents were examined.

A third TSA agent opened my bag very carefully, as if wary of a booby trap.  She examined my change of clothes, extra pair of shoes and three unread magazines.  There were no electronics, no small bombs, no box-cutters, not even a pair of tweezers.

This seemed to disappoint the security agent.  She pulled out a couple pieces of cloth and wiped down much of the interior of my suitcase.  Neither of the cloths uncovered dangerous contraband.  I was dismissed, again with suspicion, and proceeded to the gate.

When I got to the gate, I wondered again:  Where is everybody?  So I took another picture, and, happily, this time my bold action did not attract the gendarmes.  I share the photo below to document my surprise at finding the airport so empty.

We had been advised, repeatedly, by news reports on the day before our flight that we should arrive early at the airport because snowy weather was expected.  In fact, when we got on the plane, our takeoff was delayed a bit for de-icing.  But we got off in good time, made our connecting flight with 10 minutes to spare and proceeded to our destination.

I read the next day that thousands of flights were canceled after our plane took off.  Sometimes the early bird really does catch the worm, I guess.

In any event, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I hope you did, too.

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